

If you focus on return on investment, you won’t get anywhere. Your child can remind you how to learn something just because it’s there, without concern for return on investment. The trick is allowing yourself to invest time in things that feel like play without interrupting yourself with thoughts of “but how will I use this?”

My opinion at a similar life stage, anyway.

There are four segments to learning. Exposure, Consolidation, Implementation and Experimentatinon.

You have to try things that are difficult to learn.

I have to do hard things, even if I fail at them. I’ve been “chilling” for 3 years, because I’ve been scared of failure.
Stop being satisfied by making 10 mediocre things. Be driven to attempt one hard thing.

                               It’s like going to army bootcamp right? Like, if you have some guy
                               who goes to army bootcamp and becomes a badass later in life
                               because of what he learned and the training he did, that’s just
                               different from someone who like, chills at the lake with his
                               friends for a couple of years, right?

                               And I feel like the environment for programmers now is like
                               chilling at the lake for a couple of years, except it’s also a kind
                               of polluted lake that smells, but it’s the best that you have.
                               People aren’t going to army bootcamp. And that has consequences.

In your first pass, it’s important to be focussed and immerse yourself as much as you can, 8 hours minimum a day. For me, this is sustainable for 4-6 weeks. After this, I feel that I need a knowledgeable mentor to accelerate me, refresh me. Then do another 4-6 weeks, rinse & repeat.


by the time you get to 50, you should be good at a couple of things. not even because you worked hard but because you’ve been around that long. but for some people that’s not true. ofcourse, the harder you work, the faster you get better at more things.

i need to stop having this pressure everyday to become good fast, i just have to become good